Sunday, November 26, 2006

way to go NYPD!!

Dont really know what happened here, but it sure does stink of coverup! Thats a hell of a lot of bullets to hit the surrounding homes too. Sounds a bit trigger happy. I know that some will argue that when you're in the situation, it's very easy to fire and fire and fire, but I completely disagree. A police officer should be trained to make split second decisions (and if not, why not?), and control himself under live-fire circumstances. Especially when there is no incoming fire, and the car is driving away, posing no immediate threat to life. Remember Ousmane Zongo, that art restorer from Burkina Faso (also mentioned in the above article)? His shooter was given a slap on the wrist. Bad cop! Don't ever do that again! When will America wake up, see these situations as more than coincidental incidents, realize that they are syptoms of a problem, and do something about it? And don't cop out and say something dumb like "Oh, but what can I do?" There is plenty. Get involved in your community, stop voting for the same old con artists, tell people, raise awareness, protest, let people know that you feel strongly about any issue that you feel strongly about. We have been dull witted, mind numbed, apathetic and self-centered way too long! We need to stop hiding behind our weak arguements, our busyness, our own lives, quit complaining about how the world is going down th tubes, and do something. Come on, you'll never miss that hour of Lost or American Idol, or whatever brain dead drivel that inhabits television these days. Instead of deadening your mind with an hour of Reality TV (which isnt real reality, in case you are confused), why not get on the net, or get to the library, read up on a bit of real life, and then take some action?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why did you titled this Blog "Way to go NYPD!". Seems like it should be FY, NYPD... catch my drift?

Yeah, what happened here sure stinks big time! Seems like there is truth to the fact that America is slowly becoming a police state... heck, if stuff like this is going on in "the land of the free", how the shoot does one protect oneself, when the guys who are supposed to "protect and serve" are all trigger happy racists with IQs of worm slime? I know one shouldn´t generalise, but this really makes me angry.

The bad thing is, there´s basically nothing these poor people can do against a system like this.

Why doesn´t americans wake up? Can´t they see what´s going on. Corruption is like mud: it always flows DOWNWARD, not the other way around. It starts on the top of the HILL (get it, hill with "capital letters"), in the white house of ill reputes (which should be called "The red house" or "the blood house", or even better, "The abatoir of freedom", and it flows and infests all those underneath.