Thursday, November 02, 2006

Hey all,

Well, our visa situation here may soon be resolved, I got our visa letters yesterday and booked tickets to Penang Malaysia to make our visa run. We have to leave Thailand to get the new visa, so we are going to Penang since they have the fastest service, as well as being close, and relatively cheap to get there! And we get a nice couple of days at the beach, soak up some sun, have a few pina coladas, pretend I am jimmy buffet, etc.
I promise to take some great pics, so those of you who care can see what a tourist island in Malaysia looks like. (hehehe) Other than that though, not much to report, same old same old. We are getting better in Karen, Deb has found a shop here in our neighborhood that is run by a Karen lady, so she gets some practice, and I get tons of practice in the refugee camps, so we are progressing, although it feels really slow. Such a different language from anything we are familiar with, but still lots of fun. Lots more to learn. Anyway, I'll update from Penang, or after we get back...

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