Sunday, October 29, 2006

whats up?

hows life out there? i hope good. Just got to thinking today(a dangerous thing to do) about how much we are like this big guy up top. so fragile and self-contained. I know, he (actually she) looks so tough, big, mean. and i guess sometimes we look the same too. but in reality, we live only within our own little web, never seeing or feeling anything that isnt relatively safe and under our control. and then someone comes along and knocks our little world down, and we have to hurry to pick up the pieces, since, after all, its what we do, its who we are. ever watched a spider scramble to rebuild its world after some big lumbering giant walks through it? Well, I guess that is kind of what its like for the Karen people here, just add in torture and forced labor, as well as the usual landmine risk and systematic rape. And the resiliency with which they do it is truly amazing. so next time that your world gets a bit rattled, think of these people. and instead of rebuilding the same old web, why not consider building it somewhere where you can make a difference?

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