Hey all,
This is an armband that the Burma Army is forcing Karen villagers who have been "relocated" to wear. A villager fled one of the "relocation camps" and brought this out. It translates: "Against the KNU". Just in case you were wondering, the KNU is the Karen political organization set up by the Karen themselves to protect the rights of their people. The photo is a copy from another blogsite, Refugees Within, linked on the right. just thought you all should see it. Remind you of any other regimes we all know and hate? You know, those Germans in the 1930's and 40's? Anybody remember them from your history lessons? Somebody really needs to take some action here, these guys are getting way too confident. Oh, wait, they can get that confident, since the rest of the world are a bunch of gutless wimps (I would use more explicit language here, but my grandma reads this too) who are scared to actually do anything except talk about Burma. And for those countries who arent so gutless, well, there really is no cash to be made there, so why bother right? Sounds all too familiar to me. Oh, and a relocation camp is just a politically correct term for a place where people are forced to go where there is no work, food or infrastructure, where they are forced to build roads and temples for fat overweight tourists, without compensation and against their will, without being provided for or supported in any way, and are subject to any sort of brutality that the soldiers guarding them fancy to inflict; including, but not limited to: rape, torture, extortion, etc, etc. Sound like a place you would like to visit on YOUR vacation?
Much thanks to the guy who risked his neck to bring this out, and for the creator of Refugees Within for having the guts to show it. All credit goes to them.
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