Sunday, November 19, 2006

Hi Friends,

Those of you that are familiar with what we are doing here and actually visit the links on this page, have probably seen these photos already. But for those of you who maybe dont follow the situation here on the border very closely, or who maybe just hit this site every now and then, I am reposting them here, since I feel that they show a lot about whats going on. The photos are from April 2006. This child was shot by the Burma Army as she fled with her mother and siblings from the army. Her father and 80 year old grandmother were killed by the Burma Army at the same time. Her father was carrying his mother on his back when she was shot and fell off, crying for him to come back for her. When he turned to help her, both were killed. I am also posting them in the hope that some of those people out there (you know who you are) who seem to think that Burma is not as bad as people say may change their thinking. Also worth reading is the message coming from one of the Free Burma Rangers team members. I know it may be a bit gruesome for some, but this is the reality that we here live with everyday. The great thing is though, we here at Partners and Free Burma Rangers are in the unique position of bringing support, hope, and love to these innocents. It's a great opportunity, but also a heavy burden, and we could all use your prayers and support. (For those who want to support Partners, FBR or us personally by sharing this burden financially, email me at for more info). Much love to you all. God Bless.

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