Wednesday, October 25, 2006

back from the jungle

hey guys, girls, friends, spies, and various other nefarious readers!
Got back early monday morning (try 2am) from a weekend trek in the jungles of southern thailand to visit one of the clinics we at Partners support, as well as visit the people group of the area, a sect of the Karen people. We went in a group of 10; 5 Karen, two guests, my boss, and a friend of ours who invited us along as well as organizing the trip. The idea was for him and his guests to see the need, in the hope of raising support for the clinic there. We from Partners went along to visit the clinic, and to get a better idea of what is happening in that small sliver of Thailand. We drove for 7 hours, much of it through mountains and over pretty lousy roads, slept in the village at the head of the trail, and set out early Saturday morning for Leh Ton Koh, our destination. The walk, which normally takes 3-4 hours, took us nearly 7, but we made it anyway, and had a great time. Nearby there is a spectacular waterfall, as well as the scenery and veiws from the jungle trail along the way. (the guy in the photo is a Karen guy that works with us here at Partners, doing all our video work) Great hiking in my opinion, would have been a real challenge to do it with just the Karen guides, who slowed the pace to accomodate us white folks. We woke early Sunday morning, had an audience with the head religious dude in the village, ate breakfast, and set out again for home, another 7-8 hour walk through rivers and streams, but thankfully for our guests, not over the mountains again. After a quick shower and meal, we loaded up and drove 7 hours home, getting back in the tiny hours of Monday, exausted, but happy (at least me). But let me tell you, driving through the mountain roads, after hiking all day, was quite a challenge. Everyone in my truck had taken a motion sickness tablet, and promptly fell asleep, leaving me with nothing but a Credence Clearwater Revival CD and the road to keep me company. Lets just say, i wont be listening to CCR anytime soon.

Anyway, back to work. see you again soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! This is really cool ... much easier than your website, for sure. Deborah needs to fill her "spot"! :) Couldn't see your photo's .... maybe not posted yet? Sounds like your last trek was quite the adventure .... hey, I have a new CCR CD for you ....